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Friday, November 18, 2011


Title of the Lab: Where's the Evidence?
Guiding question: What are some signs that a chemical reaction has taken place?
Zinc CuSo4
Aluminum foil
Baking soda

Analysis of your results.
Most of our predictions were correct, the most often change was color change and bubbling up. We considered our reaction over as soon as the change stop happening, we would still wait a while to see if anything happened. But for most of the time it was over when the change stopped taking place. For all of the mixtures a change took place, the only chemical change was the fact that the chemicals are mixing, otherwise there were much more physical changes. The Chemicals we mixed we mixed never stayed the same after the after the reaction.

Conclusion :

Our hypothesis was correct, we stated that there was a physical difference, and there was, non of the products/mixtures stayed the same after the reaction, they all changed and looked differently, color and physical change happened. We learned that new substances are formed because there was a physical change from the outside, which made it look different but also a chemical change, because both the objects mixed and there for their chemicals mixed to form a new substance. The reactions did come to an end which we learned. The reaction came to an end, at the moment when they mixed and something started changing in their physical appearance as soon as movement and difference stopped happening in the test tube the reaction was over and that was a new substance.
Further Inquiry: Think about this experiment and the data you collected. Would you make any changes to the method/procedure? Do you have any further questions?
I think this experiment was quite successful and I wouldn’t change a lot. The only thing I would change was leaving the mixtures for longer periods of time a day or two and see is there any changes. The only question I have do they ever come calm down, if the experiments bubbling does it ever stop

1 comment:

  1. Luka,
    Please include the data table that you completed for this lab. This is important to include so we can see how you came to your conclusions. Thanks!
