In this video Bromine reacts with alcohol. After a while Bromine slowly turns read and then the whole jar turns red, all the contents of the jar start expanding and turning red. It's stays red for a couple seconds and then goes back to the former state.
In this example, Lithium ignites in water and burns a couple seconds. Then it stops all of a sudden after burning for a couple seconds.
When you add cesium to water, sparks come out and the reaction lasts for a couple seconds, then the reaction stops and smoke comes out for a couple for seconds then the reaction totally stops and calms down.
The potassium sets on fire and spins around the bowl of water for a couple seconds then it ignites even further and becomes bigger, then all of a sudden it stops and then it just stops and sinks.
When sodium and potassium are mixed together an explosion is created and it's a pretty high explosion, looks like a firework.
When nitrogen is put into a swimming pool smoke/fog spreads throughout and the whole pool, then fog lifts up and spreads throughout. after a couple seconds the fog moves to one side of the pool and slowly disappears.
The aluminum foil, takes a while to react but then the reaction, heats up and foam starts coming out, it overflows and foam is coming out through all sides, this reaction lasts for a couple minutes and then calms down and settles down, and eventually stops.
When oxidation is added to a normal gummy bear it ignites and starts, burning the flames are coming off from all sides, when the gummy bear is all burned up, and there's no air for the fire to feed on it eventually turns off.
The water starts swirling after all the ingredients and reactants are put in, it take a couple seconds for the reaction, to start and then it starts and lasts for a couple seconds until it stops, this was a chemical reaction between all the reactants, but there was also a physical change in appearance of the mixture after.
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