Asteroid 21 Lutetia is not a nother asteroid. Scientist believe that it is a left over planetart seed. Lutetia and its fellow asteroids are thought to be relics form a early solar system, rocky fossils that have recoreded history of the solar systems early days in the pits and fractures. Last july, the European Space Agency’s Rocetta spacecraft flew within 3,200 kilometers of Lutetia.
Scientists estimate that Lutetia is 121 kilometers long, 101 kilometers tall and 75 kilometers wide. Data suggests that it was know as a so called enstatite chondrite- a form of asteroids that is verry rare. It makes up 2 percent of the meteorites that have fallen to earth. The scientitst think that this kind of meteorite is the starting composition of the terrestrial planets. One of the key things that gives its identity away is the asteroids abnormal high density. At 3.4 grams per cubic centimeter, Lutetia is denser than most asteroids measured and comparable density to the giant asteroid Vestra. A density that high suggests that the asteroid is not a rubble pile or a collection of fragments produced by violent collisions. Rather a rocky body has probably maintained its primordial state, and might have differentiated interior, with a metallic core, mantle and surface that never melted. Indeed, Lutetia’s ancient and complex surfaces marked by landslides, enormous craters anf faults and fractures. This supports the finding that the asteroid is primitive and undisturbed and suggests that it formed within the solar systems first 3 million years.Even though there is is evidence supporting the the theory abouut Lutetia being part of a planet, there is not enough evidence to come to a complete judgment.
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