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Friday, April 1, 2011

Noise Pollution

            Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is like a type of pollution, it causes harm to humans, animals and the natural environment. Except that noise pollution isn’t seen it is only heard. Noise pollution is any displeasing noise made by humans, animals or machines. The most common sources of noise pollution is located outdoors, the two most common producers of noise pollution are construction sites and transportation services. Transportation services include: cars, buses, trolleys and airplanes. There are also other sources of noise pollution such as sirens, air horns, car alarms and megaphones or loud people. Even though this may sound unlikely but noise pollution is one of the most common sources of pollution,  but because it cannot be seen we do not notice it as much as we notice water or air pollution. Unfortunately noise pollution cannot be stopped it can only be lowered.

As I have previously mentioned Noise Pollution is very real and it is not only a made up problem, the reason why it isn’t noticed as much as regular pollution is because it cannot be seen, the source can but not the actual noise.  Among the many sources of Noise Pollution, the largest noise producers are humans in general. But the specific thing that produces the most noise are the different ways of motor transport, they not only make noise but also pollute the air.  Also construction workers and their machinery make a lot of noise, which is not only loud but is also annoying. The greatest problem about the workers is that they work in the middle of the day in the middle of the town, Instead of working in the morning or during vocations when there is much less people. Not only are these sounds annoying but they also can affect the human health and behavior. When exposed to too much unwanted noise people can become angry, hyperactive, nervous, angry, sleep deprived and even depressed, these are only some of the physiological effects on humans that occur when exposed to excessive noise pollution.

Almost everyone is affected by noise pollution, because if you consider what noise pollution is than basically the whole world is affected at certain points. Luckily for us some sounds made by noise pollution we get used to therefore they don’t present a problem to us, but they do to other people. At our age (11-13) we aren’t that affected by noise pollution but, old people are because they need peace and quite so that they can rest and stay healthy, on the other hand babies also need quite time when they rest, they are also affected more than we are, even though they produce noise themselves. The largest problem with noise pollution is that it is annoying and disturbs us, unlike the physical types of pollution it cannot be seen, therefore it makes it harder for us to find its source and stop it. Even though it can be reduced noise pollution can never be completely eliminated because it is also a man made problem as well as a natural one. Currently scientist is working on different noise reduction technologies that are affordable by the community.  Today there are expensive noise canceling technologies that can be used in a room or house, this doesn’t solve the problem for everyone, because not all people can pay thousands of Euros to get their house sound proofed. There are also portable versions like the earplugs or the noise canceling headphones, which cost more than the normal ones but cancel out the outside noise. On highways the authorities are doing several things to reduce the noise, they are applying sound blocking barriers on the part of the highway that passes a residential area, they are also applying special  motorway surfaces that reduce the tire sounds.  Currently the only way to make airplanes quieter is to alter the jet engines which is expensive and isn’t in the best interest of the airlines companies. Science does have one major advantage when it comes to solving these problems and that is funding, the government as well as the people are whiling to pay in order for the amount of noise in their town to get reduced, scientists in Spain found out that the residents are whiling to pay up to four Euros per year for every decibel decreased. Luckily there have been previous attempts in creating efficient noise reduction methods, so there are building blocks on which the future methods can be built on.

After thinking about this topic one more time I come to think that this is a much greater problem than I have previously thought. Now that I realize that the health of the people is being affected I think that it is time for the local community and government to take an act and try to reduce the amount of noise produced in the residential zones, at least. For now there are some laws that apply in some countries. They are: fireworks can only be used for New Year, Fourth of July, bonfire night and Chinese New Year, as well as other selected holidays. Airplanes are not to fly over residential areas below an altitude of 1000 feet. And lastly divers can’t drive over 50 kilometer per hour in the city limits. These are the major laws that are enforced, there are others but they don’t make a huge impact.  The best way to protect yourself from hearing damage and the other health hazards is to try to avoid direct contact; this means that you shouldn’t put your head directly next to a loud speaker, or stand for a long time near a construction site. If you can afford it you can sound proof some rooms in your house.

1: “Noise Pollution." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .
2: "Noise Pollution - Credo Reference Topic." Credo Reference Home. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .
3: "Noise Pollution - Environmental Protection UK." Home - Environmental Protection UK. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .
4: Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, Quieting Noise Pollution. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .
5: "Noise Pollution | Air and Radiation | US EPA." US Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .
6: "Noise Pollution." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Well written Luka! You had a lot of significant ways that you suggested that science can help with reducing noise pollution as well as negative effects on people and societies. You had good sentence structure throughout the entire report. I like how you compared noise pollution to air and water pollution as more physical types of pollution that people could see. I also thought that your conclusion was very interesting. I like the example of how people in Spain are paying to reduce noise pollution. Good job!
