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Monday, February 28, 2011

Earthquake safety

Earthquake safety

Knowledge about earthquake safety is a very important thing, because in case of an earthquake you do not have time to pack the necessary supplies or read through an earthquake survival guide.  The few basic things everyone should know (especially people who live in earthquake prone areas),
First: An earthquake can strike at any time of the day that is why you should always have an earthquake kit ready, your kit should have; water, first aid, some food that can last long and a radio communication device, a flashlight would come in handy.
Second: If you are located inside a building, hide under a table that can withstand impact from a falling object (shelf or lamp) and that can most importantly protect your head.  If the building is not reinforced and you have no chance of getting out, jump out the window while the building collapses, because the force field might push you away from the ground.
Lastly:  If caught outside during an earthquake get to clear grounds and away from any objects that could fall on you. The best place to go is a park or field, if you aren’t near any of these get away from old buildings and buildings that could suffer from aftershock.

My Earthquake plan: The safest thing for my family and myself to do is to hide under our kitchen table, this is the safest protected place and  4 people can fit under it. If we cant get there and are on the top floor, the safest place would be the bathroom because we don't have any windows or heavy things that can fall on people.

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